Dr. Cathy Anderson, DVM, MS
Cathy is a 1987 graduate of Michigan State University and completed a master’s degree in shelter medicine through University of Florida in 2017. She has a certificate in forensic sciences from that institution as well. She is a trainer for Euthanasia by Injection (HSUS course) as well as for Chemical Immobilization. She also teaches Humane Euthanasia for the University of Florida Shelter Medicine curricula. She currently is the medical director at the animal protection shelter, Adopt a Pet in Fenton, Michigan. She is the co-founder and president of Pixie’s Animal Welfare Society; an organization that is currently developing a spay/neuter service for rescue groups to serve cats in Jackson, Michigan. She serves as the chairperson of the Legislative Committees of the Michigan Veterinary Medical Association.
Courses Taught:
VME6817: Humane Euthanasia Practices for Animal Shelters